Product Details
ORGANIC INDIA Beautiful Skin 60 Capsules - Healthy Skin Beautiful Skin rejuvenates and restores the skin, improves complexion and promoting a clear healthy radiant glow. Beautiful Skin helps purify the blood & balance the endocrine system. With a time tested herb to treat skin infections in Ayurveda. Best natural remedy for :-
- Skin Irritation
- Skin Infections
- Skin Allergies
- Blemishes
- Pigmentation of skin
- Low lusture of the skin.
- Made with Sustainably Grown Herbs
- HPMC veg capsule
- Tested for heavy metals
Benefits of Beautiful skin Herbal Capsules are as follows:
- Rejuvenates and restores the skin
- Improves the complexion
- Promotes a clear healthy radiant glow
- Purifies the blood
- Balances the endocrine system
Dosage of ORGANIC INDIA Beautiful Skin Capsules:
1-2 capsules with food & water twice daily for at least 3 months or as directed by your health care provider. Safe for long term use.
ORGANIC INDIA Beautiful Skin Capsules FAQ:
Que- What are the natural ways to make your skin beautiful?
Ans- You can make your skin beautiful and glowing naturally. Eat balanced diet, use face packs made from natural ingredients, also eat herbal beauty supplements. Organic India Beautiful Skin is one of the popular herbal beauty supplement which makes your skin beautiful naturally.
Que- Name the herbs of Beautiful Skin and their uses in skin disease?
Ans- Rakthchandan, Manjeet, Guruchi, Neem, Haldi, Tulsi
Rakthchandan helps in normalizing the function of Pitta, curing ulcers, inflammation of skin, acne etc.
(Kirtikar, K.R. and Basu, B.D. (1933): Pterocarpus santalinum, Indian Medicinal Plants 2nd Edition. Pub. Lalit Mohan Basu. Allahabad, India. 1: pp 826.) {Bhavprakash Nigantu (Indian Materia Medica), Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, pp – 191-92.}
Guruchi helps in curing Leprosy, effective in all types of skin diseases.
Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier’s Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal. (1996): Tinospora cordifolia, Indian Medicinal Plants. Pub. Orient Longman Limited Anna Salai, Chennai. 5: pp 283. {Bhavprakash Nigantu (Indian Materia Medica), Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, pp – 269-71.}
Neem is helpful in wounds, pimples, acne, scabies, eczema, pemphigus etc.
Singh, R.S. (1983): Azadirachta indica, Vanaushadhi Nidarshika (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia) Jeewan Shiksha Mudralaya, Golghar, Varanasi. 2nd Edn, 217
Haldi helps in curing the skin diseases earlier.
Kirtikar, K.R. and Basu, B.D. (1933): Curcuma longa, Indian Medicinal Plants 2nd Edition. Pub. Lalit Mohan Basu. Allahabad, India. 4: pp 2423.
Que- Is Beautiful Skin can be taken in any skin disease?
Ans- Yes, it helps in curing the skin disease earlier.
Que- Which common skin diseases Beautiful Skin helps more?
Ans- Acne, pimples, psoriasis, nodules, fungal infections.