Asaneladi Kera Thailam - 200ML - Vaidyaratnam

Regular price Rs. 215.00 Sale

Availability: Available Unavailable

Product Type: Ayurvedic Oil / Thailam / Kuzhampu

Product Vendor: Vaidyaratnam

Product SKU: AK-VR401

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
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Product Details

Asaneladi Kera Thailam (200ML) - Vaidyaratnam is a traditional Ayurvedic hair oil formulated with a coconut oil base (keram means coconut oil in Malayalam) and a blend of natural herbs following Ayurvedic principles (disclaimer). This nourishing hair oil has been used for various purposes throughout history (disclaimer). Due to regulations, we cannot claim it prevents catarrh, head, or neck diseases. However, it's believed to support scalp and hair health according to Ayurveda. We recommend consulting with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to understand its potential role in your hair care routine and for personalized guidance on usage.

Key Features of Asaneladi Kera Thailam

  • Prevents Catarrh: Asaneladi Kera Thailam is effective in preventing and relieving catarrh, clearing nasal passages and improving breathing.
  • Treats Head and Neck Diseases: This Ayurvedic oil provides relief from various head and neck diseases, alleviating symptoms like congestion and inflammation.
  • Coconut Oil Base: The coconut oil base ensures deep penetration and absorption of the herbal ingredients, enhancing the oil's effectiveness.
  • Natural Ingredients: Made with pure coconut oil and a blend of traditional Ayurvedic herbs, ensuring safety and efficacy.
  • Trusted Quality: Produced by Vaidyaratnam, a renowned name in Ayurvedic medicine, guaranteeing high-quality standards and results.

How to Use

Apply Asaneladi Kera Thailam gently on the affected area, such as the head and neck, and massage in circular motions. For best results, use it daily or as directed by an Ayurvedic practitioner. Warming the oil slightly before application can enhance absorption and effectiveness.

Why Choose Asaneladi Kera Thailam?

Choosing Asaneladi Kera Thailam means opting for a natural and effective remedy for preventing catarrh and treating head and neck diseases. Rooted in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, this oil supports your respiratory health and overall well-being.

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