Product Details
Glymin Tablet from Kerala Ayurveda
Diabetic Care, Naturally!
Diabetes has assumed epidemic proportions worldwide, and the situation is only getting worse by the day. Indians, African-Americans and Latinos are the worst-affected, and also the most-prone.
Not for no reason has Diabetes been termed a ‘Killer Disease’. YES, it may not KILL directly, but it is the DEVIL that could give birth to many fatal diseases including kidney failure, neuropathy, blood vessel blockage, nerve disease, stroke and heart disease.
About Kerala Ayurveda Glymin Tablet:
Kerala Ayurveda Glymin™ Tablet is a unique proprietary formulation recommended for the management of diabetes mellitus and its possible long-term complications like kidney issues, heart problems, ophthalmology issues, Diabetic Retinopathy, infections, Blood Pressure etc. Prepared using a rich combination of Prameha (Anti-diabetic) herbs, namely, Nisamlaki (Curcuma longa & Emblica officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Meshashringi (Gymnema sylvestre), Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), and Salacia oblonga along with godanti bhasma,an ayurvedic rejuvenator rich in minerals and vitamins; Glymin acts by renormalizing blood glucose levels and maintaining lipid profile balance, naturally.
Benefits of Glymin™ Tablet
Helps Renormalize Blood Glucose Levels
Diabetes Mellitus may naturally cause blood sugar level spikes during the day. These may be because of stress and hormonal changes. This herbal formulation helps balance the blood glucose levels naturally by breaking down glucose that enters the bloodstream.
Helps Manage possible Long-Term Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus may lead to many health complications that are mentioned above. Glymin™ tablet helps circulate insulin in the bloodstream and helps control hyperglycaemia in the long run which would be vital to prevent long-term health complications.
Helps Maintain Lipid Profile Balance
Along with exercise and a low-fat and low-glucose diet, taking Glymin™ would help maintain higher HDL levels and lowers the total cholesterol levels which could help reduce your insulin dosage too. Lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels can improve heart health and reduce cardiac implications. Glymin™ helps achieve these goals.
Helps Improve Insulin Secretion & Glucose Utilization
For Type II diabetes, the secretion of insulin and its distribution in the bloodstream is vital for glucose utilization or breaking down glucose. Glymin™ helps in naturally improving insulin secretion in the pancreas.
Recommended Dosage
2 tablets thrice daily before food or as directed by the Physician
Ayurvedic Herbs in Glymin™
Meshashiringi (Gymnema sylvestre Lf.) 60 mg
- This herb is said to reduce sugar cravings and is used in Ayurvedic diabetic tablets
- It is also known as Madhu Nashinin which translates as destroyer of sugar
Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna St. Bk.) 30 mg
- This herbal has long been used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antioxidant, anti-atherogenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic and gastro-productive effect
- It is also used in tablet for diabetes
Tvak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum St. Bk.) 10 mg
- Tvak is Cinnamon
- It has been recommended in traditional medicine for diabetes control as it is useful in insulin production stimulation
Saurabhanimba (Murraya koenigii Lf.) 20 mg
- This is the curry leaf that has been used in traditional medicine for its positive effects on the digestive process
- It is said to be very useful in the control of diabetes.
Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia St.) 100 mg
- Guduchi benefits for diabetes have been applied in traditional medicine
Jambu (Syzygium cumini Sd.) 120 mg
- The Jambu or Jamun is one of the herbs that has been used in traditional medicine to help cure diabetes
Haridra (Curcuma longa Rz.) 20 mg
- This is the Turmeric plant that has been long used in traditional medicine and cooking for its many health benefits.
Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Fr. R.) 60 mg
- Amla or Amalaki is the Indian gooseberry
- It has been used traditionally as complementary medicine for a host of problems
Saptaranga (Salacia Sp. Rt.) 120 mg
- The root and stem of Salacia have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to control diabetes and in diabetes tablets. Diabetics use mugs that are fashioned from the wood of Salacia to drink water which is said to help control blood sugar
- It has also been used in the treatment of obesity
Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium Ht. Wd.) 80 mg
- This herb is used in Ayurveda as a hypoglycemic and antibiotic in the treatment of bleeding, inflammation and diabetes
- It has astringent properties that are useful in treating skin problems
Peethika (Salicia oblonga)
- Helps in controlling glucose absorption from the intestine
Godanti 20 mg
- This has been used traditionally to correct all the Dosha imbalances, especially Pitta
Karavallaka (Momordica charantia Fr.) 40 mg
- This is the bitter gourd that has been traditionally used as a dietary and medicinal vegetable that aids in the control of blood sugar
Glymin Tablet
Glymin tablet is a diabetic medicine in Ayurveda that has herbs that have been used as Ayurvedic medicine for helping control blood sugar. The herbs used as medicine for diabetes in Ayurveda are called Pramehahara have been prescribed in ancient texts for the condition referred to as Prameha.
The herbal formulation used in Glymin is one of the prescriptions used by Ayurvedic practitioners to help keep the symptoms of diabetes under control. This Ayurvedic diabetic tablet is to be supplemented with an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle changes as prescribed. The Glymin Ayurvedic tablets for diabetes patients, also has herbs that are rich in vitamins and minerals that act as Ayurvedic rejuvenators.
Causes of Diabetes
Diabetes can be either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes the immune system that should protect the body against foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses attacks healthy cells including insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. The exact reason is unknown but it can be triggered by viruses or can be a genetic problem.
In type 2 diabetes your body is unable to use the insulin properly resulting in abnormal blood sugar levels. This can be caused by genetics or lifestyle disorders. The risk increases with increased body weight or obesity. Extra weight in the belly is considered to be responsible for the cells being resistant to the effects of insulin. Your chances of the disease increases if your parents have this condition as it runs in the family. Environmental factors can also trigger diabetes.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause a condition called gestational diabetes. Women who are overweight or who have gained weight during pregnancy are more likely to get this condition and should be more cautious.
Ayurveda's view on diabetes
Ayurveda describes diabetes as the outcome of an imbalance of any of the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas in the body. Type 1 diabetes is described as the imbalance of Vata. The excess of Kapha dosha is considered to be responsible for Type 2 diabetes.
According to Ayurveda experts, diabetes is triggered by the diminishing function of agni (digestive fire). Pitta promotes fire and when it diminishes, it causes diabetes. It is important to balance pitta in the body with diet and breathing techniques.
Diabetes affects all vital organs like eyes, liver, and kidneys as it aggravates the deterioration of body tissues (dhatus). This indicates the impairment of Vata. It can also result in increased ama (toxins) in the body which can affect the pancreatic cells and impair insulin production. These toxins have to be eliminated from the body regularly to avoid complications.
Ayurveda recommends rejuvenating the body by working on the root cause of the disease along with improving digestion and enhancing the patient’s immunity. Treatment has to improve insulin secretion and glucose utilization, normalize blood glucose levels, maintain lipid profile balance and manage long-term complications.
Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes can complement medical treatment and if practiced early can help in preventing this condition.
Here are some recommendations from the experts:
- Abnormal blood sugar levels can cause sudden cravings. Follow a healthy diet
- Eating at irregular times, consumption of cold foods, anxiety, and worry can influence digestion. Eat a three-course meal at the same time every day to maintain balance
- Include food with a low glycemic index. Include more leafy vegetables in the diet
- Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like nuts, flaxseeds, and walnuts
- Warm, or moist foods are helpful for Vata
- Agni is at the highest during lunchtime in pittas. A big meal will be very helpful. Pittas can also benefit from coriander
- Kaphas are at the highest risk of diabetes. The recommended diet for Kaphas include astringent and bitter foods like lentil soup, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, pomegranate, and beets
- Exercise helps for all doshas but benefits Kaphas immensely. A 30 minutes activity every day can be very beneficial
- Processed foods can influence the digestive system and should be avoided completely
- Sleep well regularly and take measures to manage stress
About Glymin Tablet
Glymin™ Diabetes Tablet is a unique proprietary formulation recommended for the management of diabetes mellitus and its possible long-term complications like kidney issues, heart problems, ophthalmology issues, Diabetic Retinopathy, infections, Blood Pressure, etc. Prepared using a rich combination of Prameha (Anti-diabetic) herbs, namely, Nisamlaki (Curcuma longa & Emblica Officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Meshashringi (Gymnema sylvestre), Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), and Salacia oblonga along with godanti bhasma, an ayurvedic rejuvenator rich in minerals and vitamins; Glymin acts by helping renormalise blood glucose levels and maintain lipid profile balance, naturally.
Benefits of Glymin Diabetes Tablet
Helps Renormalize Blood Glucose Levels
Diabetes Mellitus may naturally cause blood sugar level spikes during the day. These may be because of stress and hormonal changes. This herbal formulation helps balance the blood glucose levels naturally by breaking down glucose that enters the bloodstream.
Helps Manage possible Long-Term Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus may lead to many health complications that are mentioned above. Glymin™ diabetes tablet helps circulate insulin in the bloodstream and helps control hyperglycemia in the long run which would be vital to prevent long-term health complications.
Helps Maintain Lipid Profile Balance
Along with exercise and a low-fat and low-glucose diet, taking Glymin™ would help maintain higher HDL levels and lowers the total cholesterol levels which could help reduce your insulin dosage too. Lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels can improve heart health and reduce cardiac implications. Glymin™ helps achieve these goals.
Helps Improve Insulin Secretion & Glucose Utilization
For Type II diabetes, the secretion of insulin and its distribution in the bloodstream is vital for glucose utilization or breaking down glucose. Glymin™ helps in naturally improving insulin secretion in the pancreas.
Diabetes Mellitus
High blood sugar or Diabetes Mellitus is a very common disease in modern times. It is found to be more prevalent in developed and developing countries. There is thought to be a link between bad lifestyle and dietary choices and Diabetes. Excessive intake of junk food, stress, sedentary lifestyles and overeating are thought to be contributing factors to this disease.
Western Medicine And Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the pancreas produces insufficient insulin or when the body’s cells have an inefficient response to the insulin produced. This impacts the metabolism of muscle and fat in the body causing insulin resistance.
When the process of using the glucose from the bloodstream is impaired the cells in the body do not receive enough energy. The glucose also remains in the blood which is why it causes high blood sugar levels. This causes serious health problems that can be either acute or chronic.
There are two types of Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1: This type of diabetes is caused by an insufficient amount of insulin produced in the body. It is called IDDM (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) or Juvenile Diabetes
Type 2: This is the type of Diabetes that is caused by insulin resistance. It is also called NIDDM (Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes) or Adult Onset Diabetes
The common symptoms that characterize Diabetes are
Polyuria: The presence of high levels of glucose in the urine increases the urine output. This is called polyuria.
Polydipsia: Dehydration and increased thirst and water intake due to the dehydration caused by polyuria.
Polyphagia: Increased eating caused by excessive appetite.
These are usually accompanied by symptoms of fatigue, weight loss and non-healing wounds.
Diabetes is a condition that when not treated can over time lead to other health problems such as Neuropathy (nerve damage), nephropathy (acute or chronic kidney disease), cardiac problems, retinopathy (eye damage) and keto-acidosis.
Ayurveda And Diabetes
The ancient Ayurvedic texts define Diabetes as Madhumeha. This is a Sanskrit term that translates as the sweet urine disease. This is seen in Diabetes as the excessive sugar in the blood translates into high sugar levels in the urine as well. The description of the disease also includes the phrase ‘Dhatupaka Janya Vikruti’ which means the disturbance to the other bodily tissues due to high sugar levels. Ayurveda also refers to the inherited predisposition to Diabetes.
Ayurveda also describes a type of Diabetes called Apathyanimittaja. This is very similar to what is classified as Type 2 Diabetes. It is described as tending to occur later in life and is due to lack of exercise, excessive intake of food, sweets and too much sleep. Today’s scientific research has found a link between high fat, high alcohol diet as well as being overweight and leading a sedentary lifestyle to Diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes used to be a disease that mainly occurred in older patients, but it is now rising dramatically in children and adolescents, a population that is much more sedentary and overweight than previous generations. Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, as well as making it more difficult to control.
Ayurveda traces the cause for Diabetes to excess or an imbalance of the Kapha Dosha, Earth and Water elements. The Kapha Dosha controls the structure of the body as well as several metabolic processes. So, when this Dosha is excessive the person has allergies, weight gain, lethargy and resistance to change. Ayurveda also attributes the cause of Diabetes to excessive appetite and an excessive appetite for sweet food. Overeating can also be caused by a Vata Dosha imbalance that is very easily disturbed. When a person has a Vaqta imbalance that causes them to overeat it, in turn, causes an imbalance in the Kapha Dosha balance. This over a period of time cause type 2 Diabetes. So the root of Diabetes in the imbalanced Vata Dosha that then causes a Kapha Dosha imbalance.
The mechanism as per Ayurveda for diabetes to develop is as described for the disease called Prameha in Ayurvedic texts. Prameha translates into an intense increase in passing urine. It is said to be a disease that is caused by a disturbance in the fluid of the body or Kleda. Kleda is the water element of the body and is ruled and regulated by Kapha and Pitta Dosha. So a simultaneous increase in the Kapha and Pitta increase the Leda or body fluid. This disturbs the Medhova Shrotas (channels) in the body. These Shrotas are fatty tissue channels. The disturbance in the metabolism of fat then further imbalances the Kleda. The body’s usual methods of managing excess Kleda is through sweat and urine. But in diabetics especially those with improper eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, there is no sweat produced and there is instead excessive urine output. At this stage, there will be the first signs of diabetes which are called the premonitory symptoms or Poorva Roopa. They include accumulation of particles on the teeth even after cleaning and a burning sensation on the soles of the feet and palms. If the disease is not treated properly and controlled at this stage, it then leads to excessive fatty tissue formation. This tissue will have no firmness. The Kleda spreads to all the deeper tissues and affects all the tissues (Majja, Mamsa, Ojus and Lasika) except the Asthi Dhatu. This leads to deterioration of all the body tissues which is called Dhatu Shaithilya.
Diagnosis in Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes of the Prameha conditions made by examining the urine of the patient. Based on the nature of the urine it is classified into 10 types of Kaphaja Prameha, 6 types of Pittaja Prameha and 4 types of Vataja Prameha. They are then treated as per their individual type.
Ayurveda’s Dietary Recommendations For Diabetics
The prescription of sugar control medicine in Ayurveda is to be in conjunction with a Kapha Dosha pacifying diet. Ayurvedic practitioners usually prescribe based on each individual’s needs and also based on the season and other environmental factors. So one should follow a, Ayurvedic diet only after consultation with a trained practitioner of Ayurveda. Generally a Kapha pacifying diet includes foods that have a predominantly stringent, bitter or pungent taste. One is advised to reduce the intake of foods that are sour, salty or sweet. Kapha Dosha is said to be cold, heavy and oily. Therefore, one should ingest food that is dry, light and warm.
Diary is said to increase Kapha so one should reduce dairy intake and only use small quantities of low-fat dairy and less ghee. Avoid soybean and tofu but use all other beans in moderation as they are good for Kapha balancing. Heavy fruits such as pineapples and bananas should be avoided and lighter fruits like pomegranate, berries, apples and pears should be eaten. Rice oats and wheat intake should be reduced while that of corn, millet, barley, rye and buckwheat should be increased in moderation. These recommendations are in line with the western diet that is recommended for diabetics with the reduction of simple carbohydrates and increasing the others.
- Can it help in balancing pitta in the body?
The glymin tablet consists of Godanti which is used to balance pitta in the body.
- Can it be consumed by pregnant women?
Only if the woman is suffering from gestational diabetes, which is a condition that occurs during pregnancy. It happens due to the hormonal changes, and women who have gained weight or are overweight during pregnancy are more likely to get this condition. Please consult with your doctor before consuming any medication.
- Which diabetes type does Glymin Tablet help control?
The Glymin Tablet can help manage sugar levels in the case of patients with Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes.
Is this product helpful for liver problems?
Diabetes is a disease that affects major organs like the eyes, liver, and kidneys. To prevent the deterioration of body tissues, this product can be helpful for liver problems. We suggest Heposem syrup and Heposem tablets for liver-related ailments.
- Does this product help in improving the immune system?
Type 1 diabetes affects the body's immunity. It compromises the body’s defense against infections and diseases. Glymin Tablets help strengthen the immune system by keeping blood levels in check.