Product Details
Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath Tablets
Indukantham Kwath is the tablet form of the classic Indukantham Kashayam. It helps to improve a person’s metabolism and digestive ability. Strong immunity and efficient metabolism are the foundation of good health. This Ayurvedic immunity booster helps lead a healthier life.
Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath Tablet Benefits:
The herbs in the Indukantham Kwath have very strong immunomodulatory and antitoxin properties making them a great choice for Ayurvedic medicine for immunity and strength. The most important process to ensure good health and immunity is digestion. Generally, Ayurvedic medicine to increase immunity aims to improve the metabolism and increases the strength and vitality of the person. The ingredients present in such formulations help relieve all digestive problems and ensure that the digestive strength is at its optimum level.
Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath Tablet Ingredients:
Putikaranja (Holoptelea Integrifolia)
Indian elm
Useful in the Ayurvedic treatment of nausea, indigestion, piles, diabetes, skin problems and swelling
It is a blood purifier and stimulates the digestive fire
It helps to arrest bleeding and promotes quick healing
Reduces vitiated Kapha and Pitta Dosha
It is used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicine for immunity and strength
Devadaru (Cedrus deodara)
Deodar tree
Balances the Kapha and Vata Doshas
Relieves the Ama in the body
Relieves swelling and used in Ayurveda as an anti-inflammatory and is considered an immunity booster in Ayurvedic medicine
Bilva (Aegle marmelos)
The Bael or Bilva tree
It balances all the three Doshas
By balancing Pitta Dosha it relieves ulcers, inflammations and Pitta related fevers in Ayurvedic medicine.
Agnimantha (Premna integrifolia)
It has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties as per traditional medicine
It is used in the treatment of Vata disorders
Syonaka (Oroxylum indicum)
This herb has anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties.
It also has anti-allergic properties
Gambhari (Gmelina arbora)
It is a general tonic in weakness and an immunity booster Ayurvedic herb
It relieves Vata and Pitta dosha imbalances.
Patala (Stereospermum suaveolens)
It has diuretic, cardiac tonic and anti-inflammatory properties
It balances the three doshas
It is useful in blood-related problems
Salaparni (Desmodium gangeticum)
This herb is used in Ayurveda as an anthelmintic, immunity-stimulating, anti-catarrhal, antioxidant, febrifuge, carminative, expectorant, nervine tonic, diuretic, anti-diarrheal and stomachic.
It balances Vata and Kapha Doshas
Prasniparni (Uraria picta)
It is used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective
Brahati (Solanum indicum)
One of the potent Dasha Moola herbs
Is an Ayurvedic anti-inflammatory
Brihati (Solanum melongena)
Eggplant or brinjal
Balances the excess Vata and Kapha Doshas
It is used in Ayurvedic medicines to treat Rheumatoid arthritis
It supports the digestive fire Agni and increases the quality of sperm
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)
Diuretic restores the fluid balance in the body
Boosts energy and vitality
Helps in glucose intolerance
Pippali (Piper longum)
Pacifies Vata and Kapha Doshas
Improves the metabolism
Pipalimool (Piper longum)
The root of the long pepper plant
Improves metabolism and digestion
Chavya (Piper cubeba)
Is useful in diseases of the head
Improves vision and taste
Treats diseases caused by vitiation of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas
Is used in ayurvedic medicine to treat erectile dysfunction and dysmenorrhea
Is used to treat swelling, pain, cough
Is useful in the treatment of indigestion, bloating
Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanicum)
Pacifies Vata Dosha
Sunthi (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is called universal medicine as per the ancient texts of Ayurveda.
It supports the digestive fire and aids in proper digestion. It is also an immunity booster.
Since it helps to eliminate and prevent Ama formation, it is very good for Ama related joint problems.
It is heating in nature and calms the Vata Dosha and balances Kapha Dosha.
Saindava lavana (Rock salt)
Soothes digestive disorders
Kerala Ayurveda Indukantham Kwath Tablet Dosage:
Adults - Two Tablet twice daily or as directed by the physician.
Ayurveda for immunity
Ayurveda considers the body to be land and infection to be a seed, The seed will only flourish if the land is fertile for the seed. This is called Beej-Bhoomi. The purpose of building immunity is to ensure that the land is infertile for the seed. This means that when the immunity is high there will be a lesser chance of the infection taking hold. In order to make the body infertile for an infective, there should be no Ama and more Ojas in the body.
Ama is the metabolic toxin that is formed when the body’s digestion and metabolism are not optimum. It is the result of unwise diet choices, unhealthy lifestyle and Dosha imbalances in the body. It is also caused when the digestive fire or Agni is not at its best in the body. Ojas is the subtle quality of well-being (vigour) that is present in the body. It is the result of the body’s metabolism and digestion being efficient and good. It is the opposite of Ama. The diet and habits of a person should change according to the changing seasons. This is because each season has a different dominant Dosha characteristic that must be balanced for good health. The changing seasons also cause fluctuations in the Agni level and quality in the body. The diet and herbal intake of Ayurvedic immunity booster formulations must compensate for this in order to maintain a strong Agni.
Ayurveda looks at treatments and lifestyle changes to eliminate Ama in the body and ensure that fresh Ama is not formed. The diet must be adjusted in accordance with the level of Agni in the body. Ama forming foods such as this should be avoided. The diet should be rich with fresh unprocessed foods that are suitable for the season. Food should be eaten warm. A proper sleep schedule should be maintained.
Immunity – An overview
A person should have a healthy lifestyle and habits to have strong immunity. It is important to have a balanced diet with plenty of nutrition and fibre. The intake of sugar and overly processed food is best avoided. One should get enough sleep and be able to manage stress effectively.
It is good to get enough exercise and maintain a healthy body weight. For digestion, a diet that is rich in fibre and probiotics is recommended. One should also drink enough water to stay hydrated.