Product Details
Neelidaladi Coconut Oil 200ML - AVP Ayurveda
AVP Ayurveda Neelidaladi Coconut Oil (Neelibhringadi Oil) is Ayurvedic hair oil, used to improve the quality of hair, to treat split hairs, premature graying, and baldness. This herbal oil is formulated based on Kerala Ayurvedic principles.
AVP Ayurveda Neelidaladi Thailam Uses:
- It is used to treat premature graying, baldness, split hairs, hair loss, scalp itching and dandruff.
- Useful in itchy scalp, hair thinning
- This oil is meant to be used for external application only. It is applied over scalp, followed by gentle massage for five minutes.
- It can be applied at night and hair wash can be done in the morning.
- It can also be applied in the morning, half an hour before head bath.
- In small quantities, it can be applied on daily basis.
- To wash off the oil – herbal hair wash powder is preferred. If not, soap or shampoo are also fine to use.
- It can be used for a very long period of time, as advised by Doctor.
- If you intend to have good beard growth, it can be applied on beard as well, at night or 1 hour before face wash.
Oil combinations:
Some people mix this oil with equal quantities of almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil. It is fine to do so, though not very necessary. This traditional herbal oil, in itself is capable enough to do the prescribed job.
Neelidaladi Thailam side effects
Some of the complaints noted with this oil are –
- Small bumps on forehead (usually noted when the oil is applied and left on the head for a very long period of time)
- Headache.
- Some people experience cold and sinusitis worsening, if applied at night.
It is happening so because Neelibhringadi Taila is coolant in nature